Why Mellow & Tale?


Represents both the millennials we serve and the ambiguous emotional fluctuations that we experience in our lifetime.


Represents the stories that shape our lives, the stories that help us feel better, and the stories that influence us in pop culture.

Empowering wellbeing

We provide professional counselling services to support your experience through milestones and life stages

We’re on a mission

#1 Provide accessible counselling and mental health support for young adults

#2 Empower businesses to improve their emotional readiness and empathy to their employees

#3 Create stories that positively represent mental health and inspires emotional reflection

Unpacking the stigma

Every conversation we have with our clients will be an opportunity for us to empower their ability to have safe, and positive conversations on their mental wellbeing.

Every tale matters.

Our lives are shaped by the way we tell our own story. Our counselling sessions empower you to tell yours.

We believe in the power of stories

Stories are powerful.

They can change a person’s life, or help someone rediscover theirs. They can influence the way you see the world, or the way you see yourself.

We believe that stories have the power to inspire change, reflection, and growth for individuals and our surrounding community.

smallWins is our creative production arm, where each paid counselling session helps us commission projects that positively represent mental wellbeing in pop culture.

More about our content production
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